Use this bank account for contributions supporting the life of our community, or when paying koha for events and you don't have the cash with you. Please put your name in the reference and an event name (if needed) as the code.
Account name: Cityside Baptist
Account Number: 02-0192-0473362-000
Many thanks!
At Cityside we have a very strong value of participation in all areas of the life of the church community. It is entirely optional how much, or how little, you feel you can participate—we also value honesty and we all recognise that some seasons of life require us to just 'be' and not feel guilty about that fact!
Click here if you'd like to be involved in helping with Children's Space/Youth (Please note that a Police Check will be required)
Click here if you'd like to be involved (form) in contributing to our Sunday Morning Services.
Click here if you can offer anything else to the community (handyperson, trade, design, art)
Membership/Commitment Renewal Form
If you are interested in becoming a member, feel free to fill out this form and send it in to the Community Leaders.